Finca Los Santos - Perù

from €13.99

The farm is located at an altitude of 1700 to 2000 meters above sea level in the Lonya Grande District (Utcubamba Provence). Here the micro climate and altitude create the perfect conditions for the production of specialty coffees. Finca Los Santos is a family legacy started by the grandfather Don Segundo Santos and continued by the grandson Josè Santos.

Roast Profile:
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Origin: Perù, Lonya Grande Producer: Finca Los Santos
Altitude: 1700-2000 masl
Variety: Caturra/Catuai
Process: Natural


Tasting Notes


The cup profile is indeed sweet and fruity typical of most naturals, but also showcases a light and elegant acidity with a clean aftertaste, showcasing the beautiful flavour profile of Perù.


The farm is located at an altitude of 1700 to 2000 meters above sea level in the Lonya Grande District (Utcubamba Provence).
Here the micro climate and altitude create the perfect conditions for the production of speciality coffees.
Finca Los Santos is a family legacy started by the grandfather Don Segundo Santos and continued by the grandson José Santos.
The varieties grown here are all beautiful such as Gesha, Red Bourbon, Pache, Pacas, Pacamara, Castillo, Caturra and Catuai.
From Finca Los Santos we’re happy to roast and share with you a great example of “clean” natural process.. This Caturra / Catuai lot in fact was processed as a natural with a meticulous approach and special attention to drying. The cup profile is indeed sweet and fruity typical of most naturals, but also showcases a light and elegant acidity with a clean aftertaste, showcasing the beautiful flavour profile of Perù.

The varieties

Caturra is a natural mutation of the Bourbon variety. It was discovered on a plantation in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil sometime between 1915 and 1918. Caturra has a single-gene mutation that causes the plant to grow smaller (called Dwarf/Compactism). Its name derives from the Guarani word meaning "small."
A cross between highly productive Mundo Novo and compact Caturra, made by the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) of Sao Paulo State in Campinas, Brazil. The plant is highly productive compared to Bourbon, in part because of its small size, which allows plants to be closely spaced; it can be planted at nearly double the density. The plant’s shape makes it relatively easy apply pest and disease treatments. It is mainly characterized by great vigor and its low height; it is less compact than Caturra. It is highly susceptible to coffee leaf rust. Catuaí derives from the Guarani multo mom, meaning “very good."

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